Sensory evaluation is a scientific discipline that is used to develop an understanding of the sensory attributes of products/experiences and how these relate to appreciation and choice. Although usually applied in quantitative contexts, sensory evaluation concepts can add depth to qualitative research scenarios.

This thought-provoking one day workshop explores the fast developing area of the cross-over between sensory evaluation and qualitative research. The goal is to consider tools and techniques that give an understanding of how consumers perceive and interact with the physical properties of products and/or to include sensory aspects within the creative development process.

The workshop will include lectures and interspersed practical exercises to help delegates understand the senses and test out using sensory evaluation concepts in the context of group discussions and/or depth interviews.

There will also be opportunities to engage with the tutor and other delegates with respect to how these tools might be applied in practice and explore ideas of how they can be adapted and improved upon, depending on context.

The workshop is divided into two sections:

  • An introduction to sensory evaluation
  • Applying sensory evaluation to qualitative research
Who will benefit from this workshop?


The workshop is aimed at qualitative researchers who would like to find out more about sensory evaluation and develop ideas for using it in their practice. Those with an interest in food and drink and/or personal or home care are most likely to find the workshop relevant for their current projects.

Aims and objectives


  • To build an awareness of the senses and sensory evaluation concepts.
  • To introduce techniques that use the senses - or invoke sensory perceptions - which can be useful in qualitative research scenarios and should spark creativity in new areas.
  • To introduce concepts and tools that uncover insightful information about the sensory properties of products and what these mean to consumers.
Learning outcomes


  • Learn about the senses and core concepts in sensory evaluation.
  • Understand what can - and cannot - be applied to a qualitative research scenario.
  • Experience tools for bringing respondents into the sensory space.
  • Be introduced to techniques for describing perceptions and reactions.
  • Explore routes for using the senses in brainstorming and concept development.

The Old Trading House, 15 Northburgh Street,London,EC1V 0JR

Carol Raithatha is the director of Carol Raithatha Limited, a UK based consultancy offering sensory, consumer, and food and drink research. Carol works on R&D, NPD, marketing and quality type projects for research organisations and agencies, and manufacturers. Her professional focus is on food and drinks, although recently she has been involved with a wider range of consumer goods.

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