The newly formed MRSNI Network got off to a great start with a very productive meeting on Tuesday 17 May.


It was established that the purpose of MRSNI was to:

- Communicate with each other and with the wider external community
- Represent MRSNI to other groups
- Invite other groups to meet with MRSNI
Several key roles were established in order to ensure the group progresses forward with their objectives. The following individuals were selected for these roles:
- Chairperson: Albert Hamilton, Chief Executive, CARD Group
- Vice Chairperson: Ruth Flood, Managing Director, RF Associates
- Secretary: Angeline Martin, Marketing Manager, CARD Group
If any MRS members who were unable to attend the meeting would like to volunteer for a role, or wish to suggest activities for the Network, please contact

Moving forward, MRSNI will meet quarterly on the last Wednesday of the month at 1pm, starting at Ipsos MORI in Belfast on 31 August. Details of the meeting will be confirmed closer to the time.
Thanks to CARD Group for hosting this meeting and to Ipsos Mori for hosting the next meeting.

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