MRS reports on AI
MRS has published a three-part series on how generative AI is impacting the research sector, including synthetic respondents and challenges to adoption.
The research sector must be representative of the changing world around us. The only barriers to progress should be personal choice and professional capability.
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Research and analytics play complementary roles in providing insights into behaviour and market trends. Get involved with the new council.
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Addressing the many challenges we face across the sector in attracting, supporting and retaining the best possible talent.
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MRS has published a three-part series on how generative AI is impacting the research sector, including synthetic respondents and challenges to adoption.
Methods and practice to embed value and boost impact
Join MRS’s community of user researchers this autumn.
We’ve created a day where UX research professionals can meet up to examine innovation and best practices in methodologies, discuss operational challenges and exchange ideas with industry peers.
Thursday 17 October
Delivering good outcomes with 360 customer understanding
As a new government takes the reigns and the consumer duty takes full effect, we consider how the economy and new financial landscape will impact financial services providers and consumers.
Thursday 14 November
Imagine a room full of agency leaders, just like you, eager to have serious conversations, share ideas and hear inspiring stories of success about growth, leadership and development. That’s exactly what you’ll get at Agency Owners & Leaders 2024.
Thursday 21 November
The Global Data Quality initiative is tackling risks to data quality in the market and social research, consumer insights and analytics industry.
Take information and find key messages through taught material and 'hands on' learning.
Monday 07 October
Virtual training course
Briefing, design, fieldwork, analysis and presentation.
Tuesday 08 October
Virtual training course
Understand the how and when advanced statistical techniques are used and understand which business questions they address
Wednesday 09 October
Virtual training course
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