A day for in-house insight teams

Calling all client-side practitioners to participate in our new, client-only conference. This event will showcase in-house research excellence and address critical operational, strategic and cultural challenges teams face.

We invite you to share your expertise, innovative approaches, and success stories with industry peers in a collaborative forum. We want to foster an environment where delegates learn from each other's experiences and improve the value and impact market research generates across client facing organisations.

If you have learnings and experiences to share on any of the following topics please submit your proposal for a presentation, panel discussion or in-conversation session. 

Proposed topic areas:

  • Adapting to shifting consumer behaviour and meeting internal customers’ fast changing insight requirements
  • Delivering great storytelling to internal and external audiences
  • Maximising the actionability of insights to drive business decisions
  • Successes in using self-service AI
  • Innovative approaches to embedding insights across organisations
  • Collaborative research: examples where cross-functional teams have delivered great outcomes
  • Demonstrating ROI and value of market research to key stakeholders
  • Dealing with data overload – making best use of organisational data
  • Building and retaining a diverse team with the right balance of skills and experience
  • Managing budget pressures and doing more for less
  • Achieving the right balance of inhouse and agency capabilities
  • Optimising project management and collaboration with external partners
  • Novel agency partnership models
  • Ensuring data quality and integrity – the role for clients
  • Balancing short-term and long-term insight needs


      • Share a research project which illuminates best practice or has made a big impact.
      • Tell us how your in-house insight team is making a big difference operationally, strategically or culturally. How can your peers can learn from your experiences
        • If you’d like to put yourself forward to lead or participate on a panel, please propose a topic you think holds broad appeal to in-house market researchers.
    • IN CONVERSATION WITH… (30mins)
        • Lead an interview style session with internal customers, colleagues in adjacent functions or agency partners to discuss a novel approach that is being implemented that is boosting the impact of insights across your organisation.

A quick note on our selection criteria:

MRS is committed to equal gender representation on the conference platform. MRS also strives to achieve a minimum target of 15% of speakers from ethnically diverse backgrounds.

If you’d like to participate, please submit a brief synopsis (approx. 200 words) for consideration by Monday 12th August to conference@mrs.org.uk.


Additional Information

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