Improving health outcomes, positioning new products and measuring healthcare experiences is now a major area for both healthcare and non-traditional healthcare organisations.

Interest in the healthcare sector from organisations not traditionally operating in this market is rising. The growth of new technologies and the changing healthcare landscape has created a plethora of new opportunities that companies are keen to research and explore.

Healthcare Research 2015 will provide a forum for healthcare researchers to discuss how best to uncover critical insights to help drive strategy, position products and improve service offerings. Hear how use innovative research approaches within the complex ethical and legal frameworks that govern healthcare research.

  • In-depth case studies demonstrating how researchers are using gamification, ethnography, big data, mobile apps, online communities and optimised survey design to deliver exceptional healthcare insights
  • Update on the latest ethical issues facing healthcare researchers relating to transparency, digital methodologies, big data, adverse event reporting
  • Uncovering physician and patient perspectives on the use of new technologies in healthcare
  • Researching & sizing new healthcare opportunities for non-pharma companies
  • Debating qualitative verses quantitative methodologies for healthcare research

Grange City Hotel
8-14 Cooper’s Row,London,EC3N 2BQ

More details of the venue can be found at their website. Visit it here.

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