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OvationMR – 11 August 2022
Source OvationMR

The Value of Marketing Research


But market research goes hand-in-hand with digital marketing to get the most out of it. Doing market research as a first step before a new campaign or marketing strategy can pay huge dividends in avoiding miss-steps and maximizing your ROI. Gathering consumer preferences and current market trends before promoting a brand, product, or service can help an organization target the right audience, with compelling messages, through the optimal media.


Who is the right consumer for my product?


You can identify your target market through market research, narrowing it down through various details, including demographic information, preferences, purchase history, expectations, and wants. Then you can segment your audience based on different variables to highlight the differences between various groups and rank the segments based on their value to your brand.

Some of the specific questions that market research can answer about your consumers are:

  • What do consumers value about my product?
  • How do consumers perceive my product to be different from my competitors?
  • Why do customers choose my product?
  • What factors are most important in purchasing my product?
  • What would it take to get customers to buy more or more often?


What content and information do my customers want?


Digital marketing intends to push users to your website. You want visitors to visit your website to gather additional information, answer their questions, and ultimately purchase your product. Market research helps you understand what customers want and need to see, read, and experience on your website. You can create highly targeted messages based on your audience’s wants and needs based on the information you collected.

Further, you can design tactical strategies to target messages to different target segments using market research. For example, you may choose to use message B to target audience D or message C to target audience A to maximize the effectiveness of the marketing.

Connecting with the audience is essential in digital marketing. The way to do that is by knowing your customers intimately and delivering precisely the information and experience they want and need. By garnering trust, you will increase your digital marketing effectiveness.


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