MRS has been working with the Insight Climate Collective (ICC), an independent group of research professionals, to understand the attitudes of people in our sector towards climate change.  In April and May a survey designed by the ICC probed the attitudes of people in our sector both in a personal and work capacity, and explored what they see the role of the sector in addressing climate change may or may not be.

 Presented by Louise McLaren from the ICC, tune into this webinar to discover what research professionals think about climate change in a professional and organisational capacity. The attitudinal survey showed that:

  • Overwhelmingly, research professionals are in agreement that the planet is facing a crisis (95% agree/agree strongly that this is the case)
  • But there is hope: 82% agree/agree strongly that they believe we still have time to make a difference to the climate outlook for the planet
  • In a work capacity, research professionals are generally positive that their organisations care about climate change, but the data paints a picture that more could be done at a company level
  • Researchers recognise there is more they could do personally in their work: only 39% agree or agree strongly that they are doing all they can to tackle climate change in their work life
  • But there are barriers here too: most notably lacking confidence they have the necessary knowledge to make a difference
  • For employers, it’s worth considering that 80% agree or agree strongly that knowing their company is implementing measures to reduce its carbon footprint would make them feel better about their work

Finally, this data provides a call to action for all of us: 78% agree or agree strongly that they believe that the research sector should use its power of influence more effectively to address climate change.

See a sneak preview of the results of the ICC attitudinal survey here

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