
Learn the fundamental skills and processes of effective project management


Projects are often the cornerstone of a researcher’s work, enabling us to deliver actionable insights to our stakeholders. But when projects go wrong, the consequences can be considerable – not just in terms of business impact, but in our relationships with those stakeholders and the trust they have in us.

While circumstances are sometimes beyond our control, this course develops your ability to master the areas within your direct influence. Project management is an art that can – and must – be learnt if we are to be truly effective researchers, insight professionals and trusted advisors. This interactive and practical workshop equips you with some of the fundamental tools, skills and processes to do just that.

Learning outcomes
  • Define the key skills of an effective project manager
  • Control the project management lifecycle, including scoping, planning, implementing, reviewing and measuring
  • Approach project management from both a people and commercial perspective, taking into account the requirements of key stakeholders and the needs of the business and client
  • Plan effectively, including task definition, scheduling, agreeing milestones and resource allocation
  • Identify and mitigate risk factors that might cause a project to fail
  • Review and evaluate the project’s success and identify learning to apply next time
  • Identify your own strengths and areas for improvement – you will leave with a concrete action plan that will have a positive impact on your projects, personal effectiveness and stakeholder relationships
Who will benefit

 Anyone who wants to improve their effectiveness at planning, managing and evaluating the success of research projects, whether agency or client-side.

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