
The lens of diversity has quite rightly been focused on making positive change within the marketing and research sector,” writes Steven Lacey, who sits on the MRS DI&E Council and co-founded the disability-oriented network MRS Unlimited last year. However, class is something that is generally ignored.

The MRS Social Inclusion Group (SIG) is for people working across research and communications who want to improve the opportunities and amplify the voices of those disadvantaged on the basis of their social background.

“The working class are often stereotyped and placed into a framework of being poor, uneducated and uncultured,” says Steven. “Having come from a working class background I find the prejudice very sad, and I am not alone.”

“In order to help drive change in the world of marketing and research, myself and a wonderful team of likeminded people have set up the MRS Social Inclusion Group to share insights, educate the sector and drive positive change.” 

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