According to an report, 69% of clients want more from their advisors. In the last year with the help of some very dedicated volunteers, MRS has started to give its membership more. More and better communication (the way you told us you wanted to receive them) better access to events (streamed members evenings, webinars, and regional events). More initiatives to support the industry (such as the government better procurement initiative).

I hope you feel you saw more of your CEO as I have been out and about the UK at various events at least once a month. Next year we will be building on all this. Confidence is core to making a strong showing in representing Research to the world. We’ll have initiatives taking the lead in social responsibility and ethical use of Personal Data and we will seek an even higher press profile (although getting the Sun and the Telegraph to take an interest in the same month in ‘Research as a career’ was a good start).

We will improve the standing reach and functionality of our family of research publications, online and print, technical and business focussed (globally, these already have the broadest coverage).

This year our MRS Awards entries and submissions to annual conference reached record levels, a tough target to beat next year. But it won’t stop us, with your support, trying to do so.

So, at the end of my first year as CEO – a big thank you to all those people who walked into my office to introduce themselves and walked out with a job to do, to those who took time to reply to my e-mails, who had patience and who continue to have faith, to an excellent and patient executive team and of course to your Council (now Main Board).

Have a great Christmas break!


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