On looking back at the past financial year for the MRS Annual Review 2012-13 I realised that not only had it felt like a busy period, it really had been crammed full of activity. 

Not just refreshing the brand and enhancing the annual conference and awards, but above all building new relations and productive networks with, among others, AURA, ICG, AQR, NESTA, and the APG*

And not just national networks, but with the launch of GRBN and resurgence of EFAMRO** international ones too.

Building better relationships has had the immediate benefit of improving leverage with the UK Government and the EU. This has been useful as procurement frameworks have been up for grabs nationally, and the EU continues to obsess - for good reason - about the details of data protection. 

I am grateful to all of you who have come forward with support, advice and yes, time and money, to help me and the team at MRS in this time of transformation. It has been hard work for all of us particularly as the industry has continued to face economic pressure.

So thank you all and I promise to keep up the pace next year.

* and ** = acronym soup 


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