19 September, 12.00 - 5.30pm

An intimate event with extremely limited capacity, places are filling up fast. 

Join us for experiment, networking and mind-expanding substance.


  • the games veteranwho steered development at Sony and Eidos and launched Wipeout, Hitman andChampionship Manager
  • the creative forces thatlead the Guardian’s highly-respected infographics team
  • the architect andurban planner whose work contributed to the redesign of Trafalgar Square
  • the product designerwho led an award-winning project for kt, Korea’s leading telecoms provider
  • the award-winningbrand designer helping to build leading brands such as Epson, Orange andVirgin Atlantic

What is The Creativity Lab?

It’s timeto leave your safety zone and join MRS as we unleash the power of TheCreativity Lab. This is the first in a series of events that gives you rareaccess to leading creative professionals. Their techniques, advice andexperience will help to power your own work and expand your horizons.

It’s anevent that will enrich your business, enhance your staff’s skills and expandyour business offering to clients.

It’s anevent like no other.

Who is it for?

Itdoesn’t matter if you’re qual or quant, agency or client,junior or senior – the future demands adaptable, creative researchprofessionals. This event will help that demand.

It’s anevent designed for forward thinking business owners and their staff. It’s anevent for anyone who wants to rejuvenate their offering to clients.

It’s anevent that will help to develop your business and staff.

What can I expect?

You’llparticipate in a series of provocative workshops, conversations and experimentsand you’ll emerge a more enlightened and creative individual. If you’re thesort of person who likes to sit on the sidelines and play things passively –this might not be the event for you.

What do I get out of it?

You’ll understandhow to apply daringly creative techniques to your own work. You’ll meet some ofthe most inspiring and feted creatives working today. You’ll network withlike-minded, forward-thinking professionals.

You and yourstaff will emerge better equipped to meet client’s creative and commercialdemands.

What’s next?

TheCreativity Lab: The power of Influence, communication and narrative

TheCreativity Lab: The power of innovation and ideation

TheCreativity Lab: The power of science and data

“Nothingis ever real till it is experienced”



The Crypt on the Green, St James Clerkenwell
Clerkenwell Close,London,EC1R 0EA

More details of the venue can be found at their website. Visit it here.

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