
The IQCS (Interviewer Quality Control Scheme) is committed to maintaining the high quality of data collection across the Market Research Industry and the training/ continuing development of its Interviewers.
Training Telephone Interviewers effectively to adequately prepare them for the reality of interviewing has become more challenging in recent years and this course has been developed by the IQCS to assist CATI Trainers address these issues:

    • Declining response rates

    • Negative perception of market research with participants and prospective interviewers

    • Surveys are longer and more complex

    • Increased pressure to have new Interviewers achieving targets quicker

    • Time and cost constraints of developing training

    Who would benefit?

    New and experienced trainers of Telephone Interviewers in CATI centres and those involved in designing/ contributing to training packages for Telephone Interviewers.

    Course objectives

    • To explore ideas on introducing market research, the role of the Interviewer and the contribution of market research

    • To provide ideas on how to train specific aspects of telephone interviewing e.g. legislation (DPA and MRS), maximising response rates, interviewing hard-to-reach participants, increasing participant engagement

    • To provide the tools to audit an internal training package in order to identify areas for development

    • To assist trainers in ensuring that consistent quality is pivotal across all areas of developing Interviewer Training packages

    Learning outcomes

    • Increased appreciation of prospective Interviewers’ perception of market research/telephone interviewing

    • Confidence in developing tools for Telephone Interviewer training that meets IQCS standards and the needs of the interviewers and participants

    • Increased confidence in delivering Telephone Interviewer training


    • Members £250.00 + VAT
    • Non-members £350.00 + VAT
    • Company Partner (non-ticket price) £250.00 + VAT
    • IQCS Members £250 + VAT

    Additional Information

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