MRS South West meet the ‘first stop shop’ for intelligence in the region.

The South West Observatory networks expertise in order to share resources and work towards a common vision that policy and decision making in and about the region is based on sound evidence.

Vinita Nawathe, SWO’s Managing Director, will outline their mission to foster a functional dialogue between researchers and policy/decision-makers. She’ll discuss the work they have done in the last year and how they hope to expand in the future, focusing on the resources they have which smaller agencies might find useful and could use to add value to the primary research they are doing.

This is a really good opportunity for MRS members to learn about a free resource that they may not be aware of that can add real value to their clients.

Time: The presentation will start at 6.30pm and will be followed by wine and time for networking.


Armada House
Telephone Avenue,Bristol,BS1 4BQ

More details of the venue can be found at their website. Visit it here.

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