The census is changing, the source of such rich, essential data that is used daily within the research sector. MRS is committed to representing the views of our members and Company Partners, and as part of this we recently conducted a survey to our Company Partners to ask how the proposed changes to the census would impact them and their organisation.

In this webinar we will present the top line results of this research, which re affirm how important any decision on the future of the census is going to be to the sector.

With the recent releases of data and custom datasets, including new for the 2021 Census, data on gender identity and sexual orientation we will explore the uses of such data and how this is such an important step forward in the representation in research. 

The session will include a discussion on the need to ensure any changes to the census continues to build on the utility of the data for inclusion and research purposes.

ONS will join us to give an update on the proposed changes and how you can be part of their consultation, and how this consultation will enable you  to put your full views across.

We will end this webinar with a panel session to discuss what would be an ideal outcome to the changes on the census, what it could mean to the MR sector, and what stakeholders might most be seeking.  

Join our esteemed speakers for this important event:

Debrah Harding, Managing Director, MRS

Rebecca Cole, MRS Representation in Research steering committee chair 

Bex Grove, Associate Director, Vitreous World

Emma White, Chair of MRS CGG

Ed Morgan, Head of Transformation Engagement,Census Transformation Engagement Division at ONS 

Becky Tinsley, Deputy Director, Social Statistics Transformation, Analysis and Research at ONS



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