
Create stories that showcase the brilliance of your insights and result in highly engaged audiences.

The difference between insight recommendations that stick and spread throughout the organisation and just another interesting report that sits on the server has rarely anything to do with the quality of the work itself, but the quality of how that work is communicated. This virtual training course will help you to transform project outputs into a clear and compelling narrative that cuts through the noise, engages with stakeholders, and mobilises decision makers. Offering a step by step guide we will inject creativity into deliverables to bring the insight to life.

Learning outcomes/learning objectives

  • Understand the importance of developing a story premise that aligns with the audiences’ needs
  • Access a step by step roadmap to turn a report into a narrative with a strong plot
  • Learn key frameworks to assist you in creating engaging hooks, copy and visuals to mobile the audience
  • Optimise new ways of working to enable the effective and efficient development of insight stories

Who will benefit?

Agency or client-side insight professionals who have experience of creating insight deliverables but are looking for storytelling mastery and further inspiration.

Learning method

On-demand tutorials, pre-training tasks, break out conversations and assignment tasks

Course delivery mode

Blend of on-demand and Live sessions

Trainer biography

Caroline has worked extensively on both agency and client side and in research and analytics roles. Since launching Insight Narrator in 2012 she has helped thousands of insight professionals increase the impact of what they do through improving outcomes at critical touchpoints in the insight process. Caroline is a thought leader in insight generation and storytelling and regularly runs workshops with clients to help build their story outputs and creative insight assets.

"Concise and easily digestible"

Joshua Reynolds - Southampton FC, June 2022

"Incredibly useful, insightful and full of practical examples with the opportunity to workshop real life examples with peers"

Becky Roberts - Cambridge University Press, March 2022

 "A great introduction to key story telling principles!"

Rachel Gregg - England Netball, March 2022


Hannah Abraham - MindField Advertising, December 2021

Additional Information

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