
Discover and practice the skills and techniques that will get the most from depth interviews online

This course is now delivered online as a series of live sessions which fully meet the learning objectives of face-to-face training.

This half day interactive course offers a safe space to build on your skills and develop confidence for working in the online environment.  We will briefly review best practice and what adaptations need to be made for interviewing online. You will give and receive feedback on your interviews, learn about emergent interviewing and discover techniques that go beyond Q&A for insights.

Learning Outcomes

  • You will be able to build effective research relationships online
  • Understand how to create rapport, and interview without bias
  • Use emergent interviewing skills for creative probing
  • Focus participants’ attention and keep them engaged
  • Use visual techniques and laddering to explore beneath surface responses.

 Who will benefit:

Everyone who has some experience of one on one qualitative interviews and wants to increase their confidence in working online.

Learning Method

The half-day virtual course will include some theory, practice interviews with feedback, and taking part in techniques as participants. You will be sent a brief in advance to prepare your own guide for doing a 15-minute interview during the session.

Course Delivery Mode: virtual training course, using Zoom.  The course will not cover depth interviews on chat-based platforms.

Additional Information

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