
Evaluate your personal impact and increase your influence in business

This course is now delivered online as a series of live sessions which fully meet the learning objectives of face-to-face training.

The most astute researchers recognise that, in a ‘people’ business, knowing how to leverage the more emotional aspects of business – communication, relationships, influence and impact – brings both personal and organisational success.

This workshop helps you to evaluate the personal impact you have on those you interact with day-to-day, enabling you to increase this influence for business benefit. Specifically, you will learn how to focus your energies where they matter most and identify effective strategies for building and managing a range of business relationships.

The course also covers the importance of emotional intelligence, the ‘paradox of control’, developing rapport through non-verbal communication and managing conflict.

Learning outcomes
  • Understand the tools of world-class influencers
  • Increase your emotional intelligence by identifying your default influencing style, your power base and the impact you have on others
  • Recognise the wider range of skills and strategies available to you
  • Develop your core influencing skills, including questioning, listening, asserting and problem-solving
  • Build greater confidence in handling conflict and challenging situations/people
  • Leave with tangible action plans that will make a real difference to your personal impact and the success of your business relationships
Who will benefit

Anyone wanting to develop successful business relationships through effective influencing, or to have greater impact, confidence and assertiveness in their working relationships.

"Really interesting with great practical tips and tools I plan to implement."

Sara Fernie-Jones, IFF Research
20 Septeber 2019

"Inspiring, interesting and informative."

Kathryn Boyd, Queens University Belfast
20 Septeber 2019

“Very informative, great presenter and lots of tips.”

Hamish Kynock, Discovery Research Ltd, 
14 June 2016


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