Objectivity in such an important aspect of research that its existence tends to be taken for granted. However, as our world becomes increasingly politicised and polarised, we need to adopt a more active approach.

As we define objectivity as ‘the awareness and management of our own subjectivity’, this course is different from traditional training courses. The aim of the course will be to develop self-awareness and instil reflexivity – and as such the sessions will be participatory and discursive, but most of all self-analytical. The course will focus on helping participants employing tactics and creating habits that ingrain an objective/open-minded perspective, touching on theory where necessary to aid this evolution.

The course will engage people individuals and as research professionals, but also explore the specific objectivity challenges presented by qualitative research, with its more blurred boundaries between data and researcher.  

Learning outcomes

  • Understanding traditions and theory around objectivity in market research
  • Exploring the challenges for maintaining objectivity in qualitative research with its relational nature and complexities/ambiguities around data
  • Managing Confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance
  • Understanding the basics of humanistic psychology
  • Creating (lifelong) habits of self-awareness and reflectivity

Who will benefit?

The course will provide practical guidance and intellectual stimulation for researchers of any kind. However, the course is designed primarily for younger researchers who role and/or ambitions are at least partially qualitative.

Learning method

Combination of informal lectern teaching, discussion and breakout sessions, Participants will be expected to conduct a pre-task ahead of the session.

Course delivery mode

The course will be conducted face to face at MRS head office in London and be of single day’s duration.  The size of the session will be capped at 8 people to ensure the necessary customisation, personalisation and tutor interaction.


The Old Trading House, 15 Northburgh Street,London,EC1V 0JR

Additional Information

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