
Understand how to apply the principles that make questionnaires really work

This course is now delivered online as a series of live sessions which fully meet the learning objectives of face-to-face training.

This course takes you through the steps of designing an effective questionnaire, covering the key stages of the writing process, the issues affecting interpretation of questions, how to use structure and order to minimise bias, and how to identify pitfalls throughout the process.

Learning outcomes
  • Identify the key stages in an efficient and effective questionnaire writing process
  • Be aware of the range of question types and the key issues affecting their application and interpretation
  • Structure a quantitative questionnaire to create a good flow and minimise order bias
  • Identify weaknesses in the wording of questions
  • Understand the impact of layout
Who would benefit

Researchers from both agency and client-side who have basic experience of designing, using or analysing questionnaires.

"Super Useful and easy to understand"

Erin McQuitty, Gymshark
04 December 2019

"Very useful if you are involved in any way in writing questionnaires."

Lorna Phillips, Gymshark
04 December 2019

"Reinforced the key and important elements of questionnaires and makes you aware of what you need to do to get reliable and accurate research."

Sophie Bryan, QRS Market Research
02 February 2017

"Eye-opening to common things in surveys that you could easily make mistakes with, without the proper care or attention."

Tom Smith, Enhance Media
02 February 2017

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