
Wellbeing at work is an increasing priority for businesses as stress and other mental health challenges have become more prevalent, particularly in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Recent research has found that the MR industry faces particular challenges with wellbeing relating to high-pressure environments and perceived lack of support. It is therefore important that industry leaders know how to create the best environment within which their teams can thrive.


This course will give delegates an overview of the leading research on wellbeing and how to apply it in the work setting. It will share tools and strategies for helping leaders implement best wellbeing practices in their own teams and support them to draft their own wellbeing policy. At the end of the course all delegates will be invited to join a private Wellbeing in MR group on LinkedIn where they can continue to support each other and share best practice with other MR professionals. 

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, delegates will be able to:

  • Understand the difference between mental health and mental wellbeing, and what is possible within a work setting
  • Apply leading theories around wellbeing to the MR context
  • Implement tools and strategies for creating positive wellbeing practices within their own teams
  • Hold conversations around mental health and know where to seek further resources to support this
  • Develop a relevant wellbeing policy for their team, department or organisation
Who will benefit

The course is designed for senior leaders or managers who have responsibility for a whole team or department. It may also be useful for anyone in a support function who has responsibility for setting best practice policies, or those with a particular remit around health and well-being.

Learning method

Theory, group discussion, paired work, workshop, personal reflection

Course delivery mode


Trainer Biography

The course will be run by Sarah Creevey. Sarah is a wellbeing specialist with a previous 10-year career history in market research. She is a qualified coach, holds a certificate in the Science of Happiness from the University of California, Berkley and is studying for a Masters in Positive Psychology at Anglia Ruskin University. She became interested in positive psychology when she noticed the high degree of stress and burnout amongst her research colleagues (herself included) and she wanted to learn how to help herself and others manage this better. She now works as a positive psychology coach, trainer and consultant, on a mission to improve the world of work for all.


Olivia McCafferty - Red Brick Research, June 2023

Additional Information

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