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Empower Translate (Global) Limited – 19 May 2021

EMPOWER Translate (Global) Ltd. signs up to the Market Research Society (MRS) Inclusion and Net Zero pledges, becoming accountable for areas of equality, inclusion and diversity as a business, as well as committing to becoming net-zero by 2026.

Alongside signing the Inclusion Pledge, the insight localisation agency has also implemented an initiative that sees the agency donate £50-£100 to The Diversity Trust (UK) upon completion of any localisation commission (study/piece of research requiring localisation) that meets their criteria for researching, raising awareness of, or enhancing social diversity, inclusion or equality.

The initiative was inspired by the MRS Diversity, Inclusion & Equality Council's Mission and Vision: "... to drive and encourage change through celebrating, recognising and rewarding the progress of those who raise awareness and understanding of culturally and socially diverse, marginalised or minority communities."


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