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Pureprofile UK Ltd – 10 February 2022
Source Pureprofile

As marketers and brands grapple with the rapid shifts in consumer behaviour due to the pandemic, finding new ways to operate and pivot business strategies have become increasingly crucial in securing long-term growth and profitability.

Advancements in ResTech (research technology) has given businesses the opportunity to empower themselves with faster and real-time market insights, and the potential to create impactful marketing strategies within their sector.

Ultimately, ResTech is designed to democratise and enable a vast range of industries to conduct research studies in a more targeted and efficient manner. This means businesses should examine whether they are investing in their tech stacks to ensure continuous growth with the ever-changing needs of consumer demands.

Businesses that invest in technology empower their marketers to proactively define shifts in consumer sentiment and capture audience pain points at any given moment. So how can brands get the most value out of ResTech innovations?

These are the three key developments you need to be aware of to optimise your marketing strategy:

1. Integrated technology advancements

At a time when keeping up with technology is vital for business growth, marketers should continue to find new ways to leverage first-party data using SaaS solutions, in order to gain instant access to real-time insights.

ResTech developments have fundamentally changed the research landscape. Now, with the click of a button, data-driven answers to of-the-moment questions can be ready to help businesses make the right decisions at the right time.

SaaS solutions such as Pureprofile's Audience Intelligence provide brands a direct access to unrivalled market intelligence – with datasets providing an in-depth look into market dynamics, competitor intelligence and consumer trends in real-time.


2. Direct access to (niche) audiences

Next generation ResTech solutions offer more flexibility to access specific audience types directly from panel marketplaces. With evolving consumer sentiment, marketers should continuously evaluate how they analyse consumer insights, utilising ResTech to tap into a vast pool of authentic consumer data. Panel research providers (such as Pureprofile and Lucid) allow marketers to target specific consumer segments and connect with niche audiences themselves.


3. Real-time whole of market insights

ResTech insights go beyond static dashboards. With the growing need for competitor intelligence, ResTech solutions can open up a truly holistic glimpse into any given market – delivering actionable insights used to drive strategy and a competitive edge. For example, Audience Intelligence uses first-party anonymised transactional data to provide a holistic market view in order to understand key trends across different demographics over a specified period of time.

As we continue to bear witness to the changing world, one thing remains true – human behaviours are unpredictable and change without any notice. This unpredictability no longer needs to be a fear factor, the rise of ResTech promises a new world of innovation and enables businesses to transform and grow in new ways.


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