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Strategir Ltd – 10 February 2019
Source Strategir

This innovative approach allowed Point.P to evaluate their new showroom concept. A complete Virtual Immersion solution was used to immerse participants during the research. Strategir (re)created the 360° environment of the showroom and allowed the participants to navigate from room to room and also to discover the services envisaged via apps. This solution that immerse participants provide realism, higher levels of concentration and therefore more reliable feedback on which to support strategic business decisions. It allow to test complex stores before final construction.

In 2016 Strategir already won the 1st price for a joint project with Samsung redesigning their Samsung Experience Store in Paris. In 2017 we won the 1st price for a joint project with Firmenich around product testing. The research for Point.P has won multiple research and marketing awards.

Winning multiple awards confirms the added value of VR in market research and Strategir’s ability to upscale VR

For further information, contact Jackie Tarran 


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