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Liveminds – 14 September 2018
Source Liveminds

We’re over the moon that Behavioural Recruitment has been named as the winner of the MRS Operations Award for Best Support Service!

The MRS judges said,

Liveminds have successfully tapped into social networks and search engines to revolutionise respondent recruitment. This works because of their use of profiling and targeting technology which accesses vast respondent pools and selects representative samples for each research study. Tens of thousands of respondents have already been recruited this way for several well-known research companies. This is a great example of a technology-driven and new approach to recruitment.

Behavioural Recruitment by Liveminds is a radically different approach to participant recruitment, powered by live social data on 2 billion people worldwide. We don’t have a database - we find fresh participants for every project.

How Behavioural Recruitment works

Behavioural Recruitment technology connects to social ad networks, such as Facebook, enabling Liveminds to hyper-target the participants needed for each individual project in 190 countries and then screen, manage and pay them for doing research with our clients.

The key benefits:

  • Greater reach - instant access to 100X more people than the biggest global panels
  • Fresh participants - people new to research, not conditioned repeat respondents
  • People are representative - potential participants are approached based on demonstrated rather than claimed behaviour, before going through a thorough screening process to ensure they fully match criteria
  • More data - participants are keen to talk about subjects they’re genuinely interested in and give 47% more data than traditional recruits - based on analysis of 35 million words on Liveminds online qual platform.

Adverts are placed in the social news feed of hyper-targeted audiences based on their demonstrated behaviour, interests and demographics. This ensures that only people who match the recruitment criteria are ever invited to take part. Interested people click through to a landing page, which gives more detailed information about us, the project and how the data will be used. If still keen, they go on to take the screener, which sits inside our application to minimise dropout. Applicants who pass the screener are reviewed and prioritised and the best are then further qualified with a comprehension, creativity and technical test. When the project ends, they’re digitally paid their cash incentive.

We also provide niche sample for quantitative studies around the world by incorporating client’s preferred survey tools into our application.

We’ve recruited tens of thousands of excellent participants for every kind of research project from face-to-face groups, to online surveys, to accompanied shopping trips. Our happy clients include Hall & Partners, Quadrangle Research Group and Kantar TNS.

Download 'Behavioural Recruitment for Research' to see how we've "used technology to revolutionise participant recruitment”.


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