Move over Millennials, Greetings Gen Z

Anna Barnes & Laura Morby, Research Directors at One-MS, will be introducing us to Generation ‘Z’ who are emerging as the most empowered & savvy generation to date. Their digital native status means they are growing up hyper-connected and hyper-stimulated, with a constant stream of content & information at their fingertips. The question is whether this has this created an important power shift in the household with these kids becoming the new Head of the Household?

Covering topics from a shift in parenting styles, to the democratisation of the decision making process and to kids’ total immersion in technology, we learn just how influential this generation is and the important ramifications for brands, research & the future of marketing.

Case Study: How Mattessons have embraced Social Media to engage teens

To complement One-MS’s presentation, Chris Owen, Marketing Controller for Kerry Foods, will be talking about how believing in insight & being brave enough to ‘take the plunge’ has led Mattessons to embrace social media and engage the youth audience and ultimately, drive awareness, consideration and sales. He will also talk about how they have worked with upcoming YouTube talent to develop content that drives word of mouth and inspires co-creation on a massive scale.

This event is organised by MRS Midlands; if you would like to join the network please go to


Aston Business School
Aston University,Birmingham,B4 7ET

More details of the venue can be found at their website. Visit it here.

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