
Supporting and developing growth in a virtual world requires new approaches and a different mindset than when managing people you see every day. Remote team management can work incredibly well, but it requires a re-wiring of more familiar ways of working.

This course is now delivered online as a series of live sessions which fully meet the learning objectives of face-to-face training.

How do you pick up on what is causing concerns or anxiety? How do you know where people are flourishing and what needs development? How do you get the balance right between productivity and personal progression? What are the signs that someone is struggling?

In this course you will learn how to:

  • Put in place the right channels of communication
  • Identify individual styles and what that means for remote management
  • Understand how to support your team’s development and coach remotely
  • Inspire confidence in your leadership
  • Build and maintain (remote) rapport with your line reports
  • Establish levels of trust and empowerment focused on outcomes not productivity
  • Identify and overcome challenges and pitfalls

The course will be delivered through a combination of teaching, practical exercise and group discussions.

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