MRS has joined forces with the Association of Translation Companies (ATC) to create a new checklist to provide best practice guidance when buying translation services.

MRS/ATC Checklist for Buying Translation Services

With tightening deadlines and the increasing need for agility, significant global decisions are made based on research data translated within very short time frames with little margin for error. Finding the right translation partner is critical for the success of global research and insight projects. The new MRS/ATC checklist aims to help buyers check potential translation organisation’s reliability and expertise. Whilst no supplier will be able to produce a perfect and faultless translation, every time, this checklist will help translation buyers to partner with suppliers who provide expert, quality-managed services who are working to find the right decisions.

Research Live coverage – read more about the launch of the checklist

Launch of MRS/ATC Checklist for Buying Translation Services

This webinar covers the checklist as well as translation of structured and unstructured data, competences of linguists and the questions buyers should be asking translation suppliers.

Powerpoint presentation on the success factors for buying translation services

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