Sometimes MRS is accused of being London-centric. I heard it when I first joined last year, and again when I went on the ‘Be Part of It’ tour of the country listening to member feedback.

And I have heard it again in the member research that we conducted over the summer.

The internet breaks down geographical barriers. So not only are we physically moving the conversation to a place near you, but MRS is focusing on digital communications to support our efforts to reach outside the capital. We have put our London member evenings online for you to view on demand.

And I should point out that individually we - MRS staff - get around the country, attending conferences and meetings run by research bodies and so on. Last month, it was great to see so many people from as far away as Harrogate at 'The best of MRS Annual Conference comes North' at the Lowry in Salford, followed by a lively ICG/ICG evening in Manchester. 

I am looking forward to participating in more of these events in the future - on 8 November I am presenting at a local ICG/ BIG event.

So yes, we are an organisation based in London, but I hope we have started to chip away at the perception of being ‘London-centric’.

I’ll end with some zeitgeist - a quote from Jack Kerouac: “Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.”

I hope that MRS can be judged on what it is becoming, not what it has been.

In the meantime, if there is more we should be doing (and there always is) let me know post your comments here or email me at


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