2nd July 2003

This presentation considered the benefits that would result for practitioners with the release of small area statistics.

After generating considerable publicity over the last two years, the bulk of the data from the 2001 Census were finally being published. A very knowledgeable team of speakers was assembled to brief users on the details of what is now available and what types of products are likely to be derived form the new Census data.

The innovations inherent in the 2001 Census were showcased and delegates learnt how this will bring benefits to user communities in market research and marketing. Census access means that, for the first time, Census data will be effectively 'free at the point of use'. This will undoubtedly lead to a much greater take-up of the data.

The Census Area Statistics will form an input to a new generation of neighbourhood classifications - what might we expect? How will the new samples of anonymised records be used? What new developments might we look forward to?

What are users anticipating? What is available?

Keith Dugmore, Demographic Decisions Ltd

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Census Access, and latest news from ONS

Chris Denham, ONS Census Division

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Benefits of new postcode-based Census geography

Prof. David Martin, Southampton University

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Samples of anonymised records

Prof. Angela Dale, CCSR, University of Manchester

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Getting and using the data; geodemographics and applications

Peter Sleight, Target Market Consultancy

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Advanced usage / the future

Prof. Martin Callingham, Birkbeck College

Presentation not available online

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